Monday, 27 April 2015


Welcome moderator! I am Amber Saville 1158 and I worked with Agatha Parry 1150, Constance Dwan 1188 and Georgina Self 1160.

I hope you enjoy my blog, which contains my work on my G324 Advanced Portfolio. We chose brief 10, a short film which we named Checkout, as well as my two ancillary products, a film poster and a radio trailer. 

The research, planning and final ancillary products are in  individual 'pages' above however I have placed the finished products bellow aswell. My four evaluation questions are also above.



Thursday, 23 April 2015


After getting Feedback on our first radio trailer we have made some changes from this feedback. After we were told that the sound clips from the film were not clear enough from one of our focus groups, we decided to listen to it for ourselves. We felt that the sound was of good quality and therefore decided to show it to another group of people who were our target audience. They then agreed that the sound wasclear enough.

I did all the editing for the radio trailer and put it all together so that timings were right. I did this on iMovie as it was quicker to copy the sound clips from the film across to create our trailer. We wanted to stick to the conventions of a radio trailer and therefore made ours 32 seconds long. A feature length film radio trailer is typically 30 seconds long.

We also had to add in voice overs. Georgina took the main responsibility for being the voice for this and therefore did the narrators voice and also the institutional voice at the end that gives all the information. When deciding about the information we chose to keep it fairly simple since this is a short film and they don't always do the same things that feature length films do. For example we didn't have a certificate rating as normally short films do not have this. Another thing we did not include were things such as famous actors as since ours is a low budget film we would not have famous people. However we did include things such as "the ultimate love story, modern fairy tale." This signals to the audience the genre of the film really clearly.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015


We begun our radio trailer after planning the script and structure of it earlier. After putting most of it together we asked for some feedback on the sound quality. We were given feedback that the clips of sound from the film should be re-recorded. This is because the quality was not perfect and in a radio trailer we are trying to get people to watch our film simply through the sound. Therefore we want this to be as clear as possible. 

Friday, 3 April 2015


We have planned our radio trailer script.

Once upon a time... 

Shh quiet in the library 

There lived a girl who was young and looking for love

"Why can't real guys be like the men in my stories?" 

When one day love found her.... 

"I see you got my sticky notes"

But not all is as it appears to be

"I love romance stories" "Ours is a better love story though, right."

The ultimate feel good film,  a modern fairy tale 

CHECKOUT, coming July 2015

Lines that are in the colour blue are lines that will be read by a narrative voice. We chose to do the theme of our story since the idea of romance books and library is a theme that is run throughout our film. We also thought that this was a new and exciting way to being our radio trailer

The lines that are in pink are lines from the film. We thought that they were lines that hinted to the plot of the story but also didn't give too much away.

The writing in red is the institutional information that we provide for the audience and listeners of our radio trailer. 

Wednesday, 1 April 2015


Today in the lesson we began discussing ideas for our radio trailer. I have put some of our ideas into a brainstorm on a presentation tool named