Thursday, 22 January 2015


I decided to create a Snapchat story whilst we were doing the phone call scene. Snapchat is an app on phones. It is a simple way to send a message to a whole group of people as anyone can see it. You simply take a video or photo and upload it to your Snapchat page where your friends can view it. You can write on the video or image to explain what you Snapchat story is about which is why it also makes it useful to present our filming. I have chosen to present our filming on a Snapchat story as it is a popular and new trend.

I have put the images from my Snapchat Story into a Padlet. This presentational tool allows you to add photos all together onto a blank canvas making it easier for photos to be presented and viewed at the same time. 

Short film maker Casey Neistat uses snapchat to document and show parts of his life to other people. He has a You Tube channel dedicated to uploading his snapchat stories so that people can watch them over and over again.

Another way that Snapchat is useful is for live updates. A recent one was to broadcast, live, the Sundance Film Festival. The 'live' feature gives people who use Snapchat the chance to send in their own photos and then view other peoples. The 'live' feature is useful if you want to see other people's cultures and what is going on around the world as so many different things are broadcasted; Sundance Film Festival, Golden Globes, New Years Eve around the world and many other events and occasions.

Here is a screenshot from the live Sundance Film Festival snapchat story:

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